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Recent datasets
Performance Monitoring for Action Ethiopia (PMA Ethiopia) builds on the previous success of PMA2020/Ethiopia and PMA Maternal and Newborn Health study in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNP). PMA Ethiopia is a five-year project implemented in collaboration with Addis Ababa University, Johns Hopkins University, and the Federal Ministry of Health. It measures key reproductive, maternal and newborn health (RMNH) indicators. The funding is provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Cross-sectional data, including a health facility-based survey, are collected annually in all regions. Longitudinal data (following pregnant women through one year postpartum) are collected in two cohorts of women (2019-2021 and 2021-2023) in four large, predominantly agrarian regions: Tigray, Oromiya, Amhara, and Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region, and one urban region, Addis Ababa. Afar is included in the first cohort (2019-2021) of the longitudinal survey. PMAET 2023 Cross-sectional survey used a two-stage cluster design with urban-rural, and major regions as strata. A total of 280 enumeration areas (EAs) were selected from the master sample frame and a cross-section of 35 households are randomly selected from within each enumeration area. All women aged 15–49-years old in the selected households are eligible for the cross-sectional survey. The final sample included 9,763 households and 8,943 women who completed the survey.
PMAET Panel Cohort 2: 1-Year Follow-up survey followed women who were eligible to remain in the Panel Cohort 2 study and did not refuse to follow-up at their previous interview. Women who consented to follow-up at the baseline and were still living at the time of the last interview; did not report a still birth, miscarriage, or abortion at the previous interview; did not refuse the previous interviews; and did not refuse future follow-up at the previous interview were included in this survey. A total of 1,858 mother or caregivers completed the 1-year follow-up survey. Panel women could become ineligible for 1-year follow-up if they refused follow-up at some point, died, or had no live births. The data collection for the 1-year follow-up survey occurred between September 2022 and August 2023.
PMAET Panel Cohort 2: 6-month Follow-up survey followed women who were eligible to remain in the Panel Cohort 2 study and did not refuse to follow-up at their previous interview. Women who were 5-9 weeks postpartum at baseline who consented to follow-up; women who are pregnant or 0-4 weeks postpartum at baseline, completed the 6-week follow-up survey, and Women pregnant or 0-4 weeks postpartum at baseline, who consented to the 6-week follow up, and had incomplete 6-week forms with results other than “Refused” or “Respondent died” were included in this survey. A total of 1,874 mother or caregivers completed the 6-month follow-up survey. Panel women could become ineligible for 6-month follow-up if they refused follow-up at some point, died, or had no live births.