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Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso (National)
Burkina Faso (Hauts Bassins)
Burkina Faso (Centre)
Cote D'Ivoire
Cote D'Ivoire (National)
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa Province)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kongo Central Province)
Ethiopia (National)
Ghana (National)
India (Rajasthan State)
Indonesia (National)
Kenya (National)
Kenya (Bungoma)
Kenya (Kakamega)
Kenya (Kericho)
Kenya (Kiambu)
Kenya (Kilifi)
Kenya (Kitui)
Kenya (Nairobi)
Kenya (Nandi)
Kenya (Siaya)
Kenya (West Pokot)
Kenya (Nyamira)
Niger (Niamey Region)
Niger (National)
Nigeria (Kaduna State)
Nigeria (Lagos State)
Nigeria (Anambra State)
Nigeria (Kano State)
Nigeria (Nasarawa State)
Nigeria (Rivers State)
Nigeria (Taraba State)
Nigeria (National)
Nigeria (Oyo)
Uganda (National)
Choose at least 1 indicator and 1 geography to view a chart of your results.
Select up to 2 indicators.
Contraceptive use
Current use of any contraceptive method (all women)
Current use of any contraceptive method (married women)
Current use of any modern contraceptive method (all women)
Current use of any modern contraceptive method (married women)
Current use of any traditional contraceptive method (all women)
Current use of any traditional contraceptive method (married women)
Current use of long-acting contraceptive method (all women)
Current use of long-acting contraceptive method (married women)
Current use of short-acting contraceptive method (all women)
Current use of short-acting contraceptive method (married women)
Contraceptive method mix
Contraceptive method mix (all women)
Contraceptive method mix (married women)
Modern contraceptive method mix (all women)
Modern contraceptive method mix (married women)
Contraceptive method mix including non-users (all women)
Contraceptive method mix including non-users (married women)
Percent of contraceptive users using sterilization
Percent of contraceptive users using contraceptive implants
Percent of contraceptive users using IUDs
Percent of contraceptive users using injectables
Percent of contraceptive users using injectables (subcutaneous)
Percent of contraceptive users using pills
Percent of contraceptive users using emergency contraceptive
Percent of contraceptive users using condoms
Percent of contraceptive users using other modern method
Percent of contraceptive users using traditional method
Percent of married contraceptive users using sterilization
Percent of married contraceptive users using implants
Percent of married contraceptive users using IUDs
Percent of married contraceptive users using injectables
Percent of married contraceptive users using injectables (subcutaneous)
Percent of married contraceptive users using pills
Percent of married contraceptive users using emergency contraceptive
Percent of married contraceptive users using condoms
Percent of married contraceptive users using other modern method
Percent of married contraceptive users using traditional method
Percent of women using sterilization
Percent of women using implants
Percent of women using IUDs
Percent of women using the injectables
Percent of women using the injectables (subcutaneous)
Percent of women using pills
Percent of women using emergency contraception
Percent of women using condoms
Percent of women using other modern methods
Percent of women using traditional methods
Percent of women not using any method of contraception
Percent of married women using sterilization
Percent of married women using implants
Percent of married women using IUDs
Percent of married women using the injectables
Percent of married women using the injectables (subcutaneous)
Percent of married women using pills
Percent of married women using emergency contraception
Percent of married women using condoms
Percent of married women using other modern methods
Percent of married women using traditional methods
Percent of married women not using any method of contraception
Percent of modern contraceptive users using sterilization
Percent of modern contraceptive users using contraceptive implants
Percent of modern contraceptive users using IUDs
Percent of modern contraceptive users using the injectables
Percent of modern contraceptive users using the injectables (subcutaneous)
Percent of modern contraceptive users using pills
Percent of modern contraceptive users using emergency contraception
Percent of modern contraceptive users using condoms
Percent of modern contraceptive users using other modern method
Percent of married modern contraceptive users using sterilization
Percent of married modern contraceptive users using contraceptive implants
Percent of married modern contraceptive users using IUDs
Percent of married modern contraceptive users using the injectables
Percent of married modern contraceptive users using the injectables (subcutaneous)
Percent of married modern contraceptive users using pills
Percent of married modern contraceptive users using emergency contraception
Percent of married modern contraceptive users using condoms
Percent of married modern contraceptive users using other modern method
Unmet need for family planning
Unmet need for family planning, spacing (all women)
Unmet need for family planning, limiting (all women)
Unmet need for family planning, total (all women)
Unmet need for family planning, spacing (married women)
Unmet need for family planning, limiting (married women)
Unmet need for family planning, total (married women)
Demand for family planning
Percent of women with demand for family planning
Percent of women with demand satisfied by modern method
Percent of married women with demand for family planning
Percent of married women with demand satisfied by modern method
Intention to use contraception in the future within the next year (all women)
Intention to use contraception in the future within the next year (married women)
Percent of recent births, by intention
Percent of women with recent birth who wanted pregnancy then
Percent of women with recent birth who wanted pregnancy later
Percent of women with recent birth who did not want pregnancy
Percent of married women with recent birth who wanted pregnancy then
Percent of married women with recent birth who wanted pregnancy later
Percent of married women with recent birth who did not want pregnancy
Percent of users who chose their current method by themselves or jointly with a partner/provider
Percent of modern contraceptive users who chose method by themselves
Percent of modern contraceptive users who chose method jointly
Percent of modern contraceptive users whose partner or provider chose their method
Percent of users who paid for family planning services
Percent of modern contraceptive users who paid for family planning services in the past 12 months
Percent of married modern contraceptive users who paid for family planning services in the past 12 months
Percent of modern contraceptive users who paid fees for the LAST method (including method, supplies or services, and transportation fees)
Percent of married modern contraceptive users who paid fees for the LAST method (including method, supplies or services, and transportation fees)
Method information index
Percent of modern contraceptive users who were informed of other methods
Percent of married modern contraceptive users who were informed of other methods
Percent of modern contraceptive users who were informed of side effects
Percent of married modern contraceptive users who were informed of side effects
Percent of modern contraceptive users informed of side effects and told what to do
Percent of married modern contraceptive users informed of side effects and told what to do
Percent of modern contraceptive users who were informed about switching methods in the future
Percent of married modern contraceptive users who were informed about switching methods in the future
Percent of modern contraceptive users who were informed of other methods and about switching methods in the future
Percent of married modern contraceptive users who were informed of other methods and about switching methods in the future
Method information index (all women)
Method information index (married women)
Method information index plus (all women)
Method information index plus (married women)
Percent of current users who would return and/or refer others to their provider
Percent of modern contraceptive users who would return to provider
Percent of modern contraceptive users who would refer a friend/relative
Percent of modern contraceptive users who would return to provider and refer a friend/relative
Percent of women receiving family planning information in the past 12 months
Percent of women visited by health worker who discussed family planning
Percent of married women visited by health worker who discussed family planning
Percent of women who visited facility and provider discussed family planning
Percent of married women who visited facility and provider discussed family planning
Percent of women visited by health worker or visited facility and discussed family planning
Percent of married women visited by health worker or visited facility and discussed family planning
Contraceptive dynamic
Contraceptive dynamics (all women)
Reasons for Non-Use
Percent of contraceptive non-users not using because not married
Percent of contraceptive non-users not using because no need
Percent of contraceptive non-users not using because of concern about method or health
Percent of contraceptive non-users not using because opposed to use
Percent of contraceptive non-users not using because of lack of access or knowledge
Percent of contraceptive non-users not using for other reasons
Percent of married contraceptive non-users not using because no need
Percent of married contraceptive non-users not using because of concern about method or health
Percent of married contraceptive non-users not using because opposed to use
Percent of married contraceptive non-users not using because of lack of access or knowledge
Percent of married contraceptive non-users not using for other reasons
Pregnancy Intention
Percent of recent births untended (all women)
Percent of recent births untended (married women)
Charging fees for family planning
Percent of public SDPs that charge fees for family planning services
Percent of private SDPs that charge fees for family planning services
Contraceptive choice: Availability of at least 3 or at least 5 modern contraceptive methods
Percent of public SDPs offering at least 3 modern contraceptive methods
Percent of private SDPs offering at least 3 modern contraceptive methods
Percent of public SDPs offering at least 5 modern contraceptive methods
Percent of private SDPs offering at least 5 modern contraceptive methods
Contraceptive choice: Availability of modern contraception, by method
Percent of public SDPs providing contraceptive pills
Percent of public SDPs providing injectables
Percent of public SDPs providing injectables (intramuscular)
Percent of public SDPs providing injectables (subcutaneous)
Percent of public SDPs providing IUDs
Percent of public SDPs providing implants
Percent of public SDPs providing male condoms
Percent of public SDPs providing female sterilization
Percent of public SDPs providing emergency contraception
Percent of private SDPs providing contraceptive pills
Percent of private SDPs providing injectables
Percent of private SDPs providing injectables (intramuscular)
Percent of private SDPs providing injectables (subcutaneous)
Percent of private SDPs providing IUDs
Percent of private SDPs providing implants
Percent of private SDPs providing male condoms
Percent of private SDPs providing female sterilization
Percent of private SDPs providing emergency contraception
Contraceptive stock-outs, by method
Percent of public SDPs experiencing stock out of contraceptive pills
Percent of public SDPs experiencing stock out of injectables
Percent of public SDPs experiencing stock out of injectables (intramuscular)
Percent of public SDPs experiencing stock out of injectables (subcutaneous)
Percent of public SDPs experiencing stock out of IUDs
Percent of public SDPs experiencing stock out of implants
Percent of public SDPs experiencing stock out of male condoms
Percent of public SDPs experiencing stock out of emergency contraception
Percent of private SDPs experiencing stock out of contraceptive pills
Percent of private SDPs experiencing stock out of injectables
Percent of private SDPs experiencing stock out of injectables (intramuscular)
Percent of private SDPs experiencing stock out of injectables (subcutaneous)
Percent of private SDPs experiencing stock out of IUDs
Percent of private SDPs experiencing stock out of implants
Percent of private SDPs experiencing stock out of male condoms
Percent of private SDPs experiencing stock out of emergency contraception
Percent of public SDPs experiencing stock out contraceptive methods, by method
Percent of private SDPs experiencing stock out contraceptive methods, by method
Number of new and continuing family planning visits, by method
Number of total client visits for female sterilization
Number of total client visits for male sterilization
Number of total client visits for injectables
Number of new client visits for injectables
Number of total client visits for injectables (intramuscular)
Number of new client visits for injectables (intramuscular)
Number of total client visits for injectables (subcutaneous)
Number of new client visits for injectables (subcutaneous)
Number of total client visits for IUDs
Number of new client visits for IUDs
Number of total client visits for implants
Number of new client visits for implants
Number of total client visits for male condoms
Number of new client visits for male condoms
Number of total client visits for contraceptive pills
Number of new client visits for contraceptive pills
Number of total client visits for emergency contraception
Number of new client visits for emergency contraception
Client Exit Interview
Percent of female clients who received the method they wanted
Percent of married female clients who received the method they wanted
Percent of female clients who were told by the provider about advantages and disadvantages with a method to delay or avoid pregnancy
Percent of married female clients who were told by the provider about advantages and disadvantages with a method to delay or avoid pregnancy
Percent of female clients that report they were satisfied with the FP services received at the visit
Percent of married female clients that report they were satisfied with the FP services received at the visit